Lower your estrogen levels to increase testosterone and promote muscle growth.
Utilize the ketogenic diet to reduce your body fat to around 15%.
Incorporate whole fasting days once per week on a non-training day to accelerate your body fat reduction.
Pull/row and abdominal crunch machine
Straight leg raise
Bent leg raise with twist
Traning Tips
Concentrate on working your entire trunk.
Train your abs like you would other muscle groups for size and strength (5-12 reps, 3 sets). Begin with a weight where you can achieve 10 reps just short of failure. Increase the number of reps each workout. When you reach 12, increase the weight by the minimum and perform as many reps as possible. The minimum should be 5. Repeat this process each workout - this is called progressive overload.
Training Frequency, Splits, and Timing
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Wednesday / Friday / Sunday
Maintain 2-3 days between push and pull days.
The time between 6-7 pm is the strongest for most people.
Stick to the same exercises to allow the muscle motors to learn and progress.
Timing should adhere to 2-1-2 (2 seconds eccentric, 1 second isometric, 2 seconds concentric).
Rest for 1 minute between sets.
Consume apple cidar vinegar in your water to improve insulin sensitivity.
Avoid all sugar including sauces, alcohol and fruit juices.
Avoid all refined, starchy carbohydrates and processed foods.
Consume meat protein, oily fish, dairy and vegetables.
Avoid These Pitfalls
Engaging in high volume without enough resistance.
Attempting to burn fat off using cardio, which impacts strength training workout intensity.
Neglecting oblique training to achieve a tapered thin waist; this can lead to lacking real core strength.
Overtraining versus allowing the muscles to grow. Training more than 3 times per week is unnecessary and can inhibit growth, cause joint pain, and hinder central nervous system recovery.
Lack of calcium in the diet can result in fat retention.
Ensuring balance between abdominal and lumbar strength.